Friday, October 13, 2006

Beds in art has started off its activity both as a residence for young artists and as a laboratory of visual production.
In less than year since its opening the house has contributed to the development of a good number of projects and collaborations with other artists, every step of which has been documented and stored into a precious archives, full of rushes with interviews and fragments of conversations which reveal the interactions of the artists with the house and the city.
A beautiful palace built in the fifties plays host to this 170 square metres apartment, characterised by a very basic furnishings and decoration.The house is made up of three independent double rooms provided with a private entrance, a private bathroom and the possibility to use a common kitchen.The rooms open onto the studio, where guests can work and use the services and the equipment offered by beds in art, such as free internet, telephone, scanning and printing.
As far as other projects of video compositing, photography, and shooting are concerned, the costs are to be arranged together with the artists involved.
via CHIAIA 111 80123 NAPLES -Italy
BEDS IN ART Un laboratorio casa per video arte e cinematografia documentaria.


Beds in art ha già ospitato diversi giovani artisti e professionisti dalla apertura dei suoi spazi in settembre 2005.

--- artisti internazionali a Napoli per lavorare con le gallerie ( Fonti gallery e 404 gallery) per le loro prime personali italiane:
Jen Denike (Vimpire portraits-galleria 404) NY
Willem Weisman (Wensput-galleria 404 ) London
Peter Coffin (Hello head space-galleria Fonti) NY
Birgit Megerle (Zona grigia- galleria Fonti) Berlin
Erika Samogyi(galleria 404)
Cristhian Andersen (galleria404)
Brunella Longo(Scognamiglio arte contemporanea)
Maura Banfo(Scognamiglio arte contemporanea)
Justin Lowe (galleria 404)

---fotografi e documentaristi:
Roberto Granoff fotografo NY
MM italian location service Roma
Maximilian Linz international press relation Milano
Paolo Perrelli art director Bologna
---collaborazioni ai lavori di artisti e professionisti napoletani:
P.Y.Le duc artista
Betty Bee artista
Riccardo Albanese artista
Aristide Gagliardi artista
Maria Totaro documentarista
Carlo Rendano Association
Marco Tornese regista
Simona RIcccio fotografa

Le attività di Beds in Art ruotano intorno alle relazioni ed al lavoro svolto da me (Valeria Borrelli artista visiva e videomaker) e da alcuni collaboratori free lance dello studio come Antonio Sacco fotografo-documentarista Nerina Monti storica dell'arte ed Antonio Soccio grafico e web artist .
Progetti in corso

L'aspetto relazionale dell'ospitalità nella casa-studio sta dando vita ad un Archivio Documentario che conserva testimonianze (audiointerviste video foto super8 etc ) dei passaggi degli ospiti nella casa .


Navigando about Jen
the New York-based Jen DeNike’s "Vampire Portraits," staged scenes of adolescent subjects lying as if dead, with sloppy ropes of blood oozing from their necks . Squarely within the tradition of "let’s play dress-up" photography, the "Portraits" nevertheless exude an undercurrent of real uneasiness about the darker side of pent-up teenage aggression.

I am Jen Denike I' m here in naples because I made the vampire portraits and it was about a dream that I have 3 years ago ....I wake up in my mother house where I grow up in Arizona and I was teen ager again and I was a vampire and I photografs my victims...

Navigando about Peter Coffin
A greenhouse installed inside the gallery is a performance space in which musicians and sound artists communicate with plants. In this work, no attempt is made to validate the evidence that exists to support the phenomenon that plants respond to music, rather the performers are there simply to engage intuitively with the plants. A soundtrack designed for the plants' enjoyment plays when performers are not interacting directly with the installation.

In hello headspace alla galleria Fonti Peter Coffin indaga i processi mentali, attivando una sorta di misticismo nei confronti delle icone della storia dell’arte. Un gioco interattivo sulla memoria, l’interpretazione e l’associazione creativa(dal comunicato stampa)
SPEAKING WITH Peter ABOUT silly putty
I like it because it feel like a organic natural body ...this pices are impotant for me because any time i make a print...this looks like the brain and looks like the image is imprinted on the brain like when you have a memory of same images in your mind

Birgit Megerle

In termini legali zona grigia significa un’area che non puo' essere definita legalmente, cioe' non e' possibile decidere se una situazione sia buona o cattiva, bianca o nera, dolce o aggressiva.
Zona Grigia is a term in the language of law and Jiurisdition.It referse to a case wich can not be defined completely as legal or illegal.
La tecnica della “Grisaille", un dipinto o un disegno nei quali vengono utilizzati solo toni di grigio, e' stata spesso eseguita nel Medio Evo e nel Rinascimento per simulare delle sculture nei pannelli esterni degli altari.



Willem Weismann
I will try to answer the questions now.

Who are you? Willem Weismann
Who is your family?I have one sister who also lives in London. My father was born in New Guinea and he is half indonesian half dutch
and my mother is from the south of Holland, she is dutch

What moves you? Can you be more specific about this question?

Why did you come to Naples? Because I was doing a soloshow with 404 Gallery. i was already there for a groupshow in the PAN
What do I think of Naples? I like Naples very much. It is a very unique place and it has a very unique energy and atmosphere.
I like it that not everything is perfect and that there is so much chaos, it makes the city very alive and breathing.
About the artscene, I don't know it that well, but to me it feels very positive as well. People are very interested and there seems to be a lot of things going on, I think a lot more than you would expect.

What is the future of the city?
Do you mean only Naples or all cities in general?

What does the future you want look like?
Ehm, I can only speak for myself. I don't want to say how the world should be for everyone, just for myself.
I think I just want a fairer world, more balanced and more equal.

What is the most important subject in the arts that needs to be talked about and why?
I don't think there is one subject that is the most important. I think it is important that every artist wants to talk
about something else. I don't want all artists to start being political or just esthetical. I think it is important
that all parts of life are being represented in some way.
Because also a lot of people have different expectations as what they want from art.


willem weisman vale borrelli aristide gagliardi at beds in art

Aristide stockage

1 RETO is an architect UK
2 MARIANNA web designer la ZANZA scenographer ITALY
3 JULIE indipendent curator and MATT artist NY
4 MAURA artist and PIER sculptor

Monday, October 09, 2006

al confine tra la civilizzazione e la natura, in luoghi desertici di città frontiera, in una sorta di urbana “no-man land”. Andersen inserisce in questi paesaggi elementi della vita contemporanea e simboli storici
Cristian a Napoli al restauro di una sua opera...

tratto da una novella di Dino Buzzati il cortometraggio girato a Foggia da Marco Tornese, montato a Beds in Art da Valeria Borrelli e Simona Riccio
Protagonista del film Nino Frassica